Reader’s Choice 2023

The most popular book in 2023, as voted by you, was

Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus!

Garmus’ runaway bestseller has been borrowed hundreds of times since its release in 2022, and it continues to be an extremely popular title with many borrowers keen to see what all the fuss is about!

Here’s what voters loved about it: 

“A true depiction of life for a single mother & working woman in the 1950’s. Well written and touched on relatable themes such as inequity, loneliness, and courage. Relevant for so many individuals.” 

“It was quirky, humorous and such a good read that I bought a copy and loaned it to friends. My favourite quote in the book is on the first page. It says ….’ it’s not your imagination. Most people are awful’” 

“Page turning, funny, poignant” 

“Very intelligent, dark sense of humour, inspiring, and fantastic characters. Kept me hooked the whole time and was exactly what I needed to get me out of my reading rut.” 

“It was completely empowering and tackled sexism in an interesting way.” 

“The characters were beautifully detailed & the story was captivating.” 

Congratulations to Author Bonnie Garmus, and to all the other nominees!

Our voter prize of a $150 Readings voucher, was awarded to Your Library member, Laura. Congratulations, Laura – happy reading! 

Warm Winter Read

WWR 2024 banner

Warm Winter Read

Winter is here! It’s time to get cosy and make time for yourself with some amazing reads.

Reading is vital to a healthier, happier, more connected nation. The significant benefits of reading for pleasure include reducing depression, loneliness and dementia, and increasing empathy, self-esteem and awareness of other cultures.

The Warm Winter Read aims to encourage adult readers (16+) across Victoria to create healthy reading habits by tracking the days participants read over June, July, and August 2024. As the temperature drops, we want you to make time for yourself and your chosen story every day.

It’s easier to find time to read than you think. Listen to an audiobook on your commute to work, walking the dog, or while completing household chores; swap scrolling time for reading time; or simply replace one episode of a binge-watch with a chapter (or two) of a great book.

We’ll even help you find your next great read by celebrating fantastic books recommended by authors you love!

While reading is its own reward, you’ll also be in the running to win some great bookish prizes!

The Warm Winter Read campaign will run between 1 June and 31 August 2024.

Track your reading

To get started in this challenge, register for an account through the Vic Reads website or by using the paper tracking logs available at all branches of Your Library. Ages 16+

Not sure what to read next?

We’re here to help you find a story to snuggle up with as the temperature drops. So stay warm and get reading this winter!

Reading Challenges

Cosy up with a good book in your very own reading nook!

Start a new series, or read the next book in your current series. 📚

Listen to an audiobook while doing something else – running, cleaning, driving – it’s up to you! 👟

Whether you’ve whipped up a recipe straight from the pages of a book or paired a meal or drink with your latest read, we want to see it all. Share your culinary creations and literary adventures with us and let’s inspire each other to sink our teeth into the world of literature and gastronomy😍

Embark on a journey beyond imagination – read a book that transports your mind! 🚀

Return your recommendation slip to Your Library’! Whether you’ve been swept away by a captivating novel, delved into a thrilling mystery, or explored the depths of fantasy, we want to hear all about it! ❤️

Reading Recommendations

Your favourite Australian authors have given us lists of their top reads this year.

Alison Goodman

Garry Disher