B is for Bravo: diorama exhibition
Tue 16 January - Fri 15 March (9:30am - 4:30pm), Miller's Homestead To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the book B is for Bravo, Miller’s Homestead presents an exhibition of extraordinary dioramas by author and illustrator, Kevin Burgemeestre (1957-2016). B is for Bravo celebrates 100 years of aviation and introduces children to the phonetic alphabet, a system of words that communicates call signs. Visit the Homestead on Friday afternoons from 4pm - 5pm, to view videos of Kevin creating his wonderful dioramas from recycled materials. (FREE) Bookings not required
Summer Songs: morning outdoor concert
Fri 19 January, 10am - 12pm Miller's Homestead Bring along a picnic, and spread out on the lush lawns of Miller's Homestead as you enjoy a stunning program of compositions for voice and guitar, with Duo de Graaf Connie (pictured above) and Barb & Franny. Families - this is a perfect opportunity to introduce your children to the joys of live music! There will be craft for the kids, and a coffee van for the adults too! BYO morning tea and picnic blanket. (FREE) Bookings required